100+ Cute and Beautiful Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

Birthdays are very special occasions for the whole family and loved ones. When you are celebrating a girl’s 1st birthday, it can be hard to figure out what to say. The first birthday is a spectacular occasion, it is a time that is also full of happiness and emotions for everyone involved. If you are planning to send out happy birthday wishes for baby girl on her first-year milestone, then it is important that you consider whom the message is being sent from, in addition to making sure the tone of your message is happy and congratulatory.

It is also a good idea to think about creative and heart-touching wishes that can be included in these happy birthday messages, happy quotes, or even happy proverbs. These special types of sayings will help you craft a unique birthday message for baby girl, which she will no doubt appreciate receiving.

A gift holds its importance but a gift without a wish seems incomplete. To help inspire your words of congratulations, here are some birthday wishes for baby girl that should hopefully get the ball rolling.

Happy Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

Happy Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

Your child can’t recall the first birthday celebration, they may still read all of the wishes and greetings you’ve composed for them when they’re old enough. As a result, it is your duty as a caring parent to sprinkle as many birthday wishes in order to adore on her this special day in memory for the rest of your life. Here are some first birthday wishes your daughter will cherish once she’s old enough to understand their value:

“Today is your day! I am so happy that you were born and that you are now a year old. Happy birthday to you!”

“Today is your happy day! I hope that you have happy times today and happy days in the future. May all your wishes come true on your special day. Happy birthday, baby girl!

“My little sister. I wish you Happy happy happy happy happy birthday!”

“When I told my mommy that I was going to make a wish for my baby girl, she said it would be a special day. So here’s a very special birthday wish for you. Happy birthday, little one!”

“To my lovely baby. I hope that your happy day is happy and fun, and filled with happy things! Happy birthday!”

“You are so cute, so adorable, so… perfect. On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday. Have a wonderful party.”

“Happy Birthday to my little girl. May all your dreams come true on your special day.”

“On this wonderful day, I pray for you that today be filled with lots of happy memories and moments that you’ve been wishing for. Happy birthday!”

“Having you as my daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish you a very happy birthday!”

Dear cute little baby girl, you mean so much to me and I’m wishing for all the wonderful things in life for you today and always. Happy birthday!”

“Happy my beautiful girl. Hope you enjoy your day and have many more wonderful days ahead of you.”

“Little sister, I wish that your happy day is full of happiness and joy all day long, just for you! Happy Birthday!”

“Happy Birthday, I hope that this special day brings you happiness and joy for all the days ahead.”

“You are so adorable, so cute, so wonderful. Happy Birthday to my cute little baby girl.”


First (1st) Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

First (1st) Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

“I know you can’t really read yet, but when you’re old enough I’ll show you all of the birthday cards and wishes I’ve sent every year on your special day. For now just know that in my heart, in my soul, in my thoughts – in all the ways that matter – you’ve always been and will always be my baby girl. Happy First Birthday!”

“You turned one year old today. To me, this is a day we’ve both dreamed of for so long and it’s finally come true! I can’t wait for all the days after today when I get to see your bright smile, hear your sweet laugh, feel your little arms around my neck – all the days when you are happy to hold my hand as we cross the street. I love you, Baby Girl!”

“Happy First Birthday! It’s hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since the day I brought you home from the hospital and made you my own. It seems like only yesterday, but I can’t help looking at you now and seeing how much you’ve grown. We are so lucky to have you – Happy First Birthday!”

“Time goes by so quickly! I remember your first birthday as if it were yesterday – the way your eyes lit up when we blew out the candles, the way you cried when all this attention was on you instead of your new toys. You are growing into such a beautiful young girl and I’m amazed to think that soon there will be another First Birthday for me to celebrate! Wishing my Baby Girl a Happy First Birthday!”

“No matter where she is, what she’s doing, or who she’s with – my wish for her is that she’s always surrounded by love.”

“You are one today! And one year ago on this very day, I was out shopping for the perfect First Birthday gift. As soon as I saw you in your stroller laughing and smiling, I knew that I’d found it. I didn’t think twice about bringing you home – and now here we are, celebrating another First Birthday together! Wishing my First Born a happy First Birthday!”

“Today you turn one year old, but for me, it’s like you’ve been making memories your whole life – because that’s just how deep your First Birthday feels.”

“I’m so proud of you! Because even though it’s only been one year, you’ve still got a lifetime of First Birthdays ahead of you – and I can’t wait to see all the Firsts to come. Happy First Birthday!”

“The very first time I held you in my arms, I was so nervous. But as soon as you smiled at me and your eyes locked with mine – all my First Birthday jitters disappeared! I knew right then that we were going to be together for a long time. And here we are – celebrating another First Birthday!”

“Happy First Birthday Baby Girl! You’re one year old today, but I’ve known you your whole life!”

“I’m so lucky to be your First Birthday! Wishing Baby Girl a First Birthday full of joy and love.”

“Happy First Birthday to my First Born!”

“Time doesn’t fly… it soars and nothing can ever bring it down. Happy First Birthday to my First Born!”

“First Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl: May all your Firsts be happy ones, and may this First of many First Birthdays be truly memorable.”


Wishes for Baby Girl on 2nd Birthday

“Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful baby girl! Your heart is full of love and light and you manage to spread it all around you. I hope every day will be as special as yesterday was.”

“I can’t believe it’s already been a year! Happy 2nd Birthday to our sweet baby girl!”

“Here’s hoping Baby Girl will receive many happy birthdays to come, but none of them compare to the wonderful 2nd Birthday she’s spending today!”

“In 2 more years you’ll be 2, and in 2 more after that, you’ll be 4. That means I have 2-4 more First Birthdays to celebrate with my baby girl! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.”

“Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl. 2 is a perfect age, 2-year-olds are old enough to run around and play tag but still young enough that they don’t think you’re “cool.” 2 is 2 of the best years of your life!”

“2 years today! 2 more years! I can hardly wait., Happy Birthday!”

“Today 2 years ago I became a mom for the 2nd time and 2 years from now we will be celebrating her 3rd birthday. So excited to experience another 2 years with our 2-year-old baby girl!”

“This is my favorite part of growing up so fast – when something special happens, like today you are 2 years older! Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl.”

“Today 2 years ago we brought you home from the hospital and 2 years from now I can’t wait to see what kind of big sister you’ll be to your baby brother or sister!”

“Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl! Time goes by so quickly and 2 years have gone by since you came into my family. 2 years ago I became a mommy, 2 years from now I’ll be celebrating your 3rd birthday, and 2 days from now we’re going to go pick out some new toys to bring home!”

“In two turns around the sun you’ll be 2, but for right now I’m enjoying every last turn as we countdown to 2nd Birthday!”

Your boy is turning 1? and you are Looking for Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy, make his day special with our beautiful and heart-touching birthday wishes. Inspire him with positive, heartfelt messages that he can carry with him through life.